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만약 아들이 온라인 게임에 지나치게
집착한다면 앞으로 도박 의존증과 같은 정신신경계 질병을 의심해봐야 할 것 같다.
일본 니혼게이자이(日本經濟)신문은 23일 “세계보건기구(WHO)는 온라인 게임 등에 빠져 다른 일을
손에 붙이지 못하는 게임 장애를 정신신경계 질병으로 분류했다”며 “어떤 증상을 환자로 판단하는가, 이들
뒷받침하는 데이터는 있는가”라며 게임 의존증 문제를 다뤘다.
신문에 따르면 WHO는 지난 6월 발표한 새로운
국제질병분류(ICD)-11에 도박장애와 나란히 게임 장애를 포함했다.
그렇다면 게임 장애의 기준은 뭘까. ①게임을 계속하는 시간이나 횟수를 제어하지 못한다 ②게임이
다른 생활상의 관심이나 일상행동에 우선한다 ③문제가 발생해도 게임을 계속하거나 한층 더 빠져든다 ④게임 탓에 개인, 가정, 학업, 일 등에
중대한 지장이 생긴다는 문제가 12개월 이상 계속되면 게임장애로 본다.
◆“나는 문제가 없다” ?
2011년 일본 국내 병원에서는 처음으로 인터넷의존치료연구부분을 설치한 구리하마(久里濱)의료센터 히구치 스스무 (?口進) 원장에 따르면 이 중에서도 특히 주목해야 하는 것은 바로 ②번(게임이 다른 생활상의 관심이나 일상행동에 우선한다)이다. 게임을 위한 시간 확보가 최우선 사항이 되면서 생활에 혼란이 온다. 식사, 수면, 배설 등 살아가는 데 필요한 행위도 둘째가 된다. 단순한 게임 즐기기가 아닌 의존증으로서 질환으로 취급해야 한다.
“내가 게임을 하는 것이 문제라고 생각하지 않는다.” 어머니 손에 이끌려 고베(神戶)대 의학부 부속병원의 인터넷·게임의존외래를
방문한 고교 1학년 남학생이 잘라 말했다. 성적이 떨어지는
것은 걱정하지만 “게임이 나쁘기 때문이 아니라 (내가) 공부하는
방식이 문제”라고 반론한다. 학생을 진단한 고베대 정신의학분야 소라 이치로(曾良一郞) 교수에 따르면 이런 환자도 둘이서만
차분히 이야기하면 “이대로면 진급할 수 없을 것 같아 불안하다”고 속마음을 이야기한다. 1시간 정도
대화를 주고받으며 치료의 실마리를 찾아 나간다. 약물 의존과 유사하다.
고베대병원, 구리하마병원센터는 예약이 2개월
정도 꽉 차있다. 환자는 남자 중고생이 눈에 띈다. 이는
빙산의 일각에 지나지 않아 검진을 받지 않은 사람도 많을 것으로 보인다. 소라 고베대 교수는 환자 수가
일본 국내에 수백만 명인 것으로 알려진 알코올 의존증 수준으로 많을 가능성이 있다고 본다.
◆어떻게 진단·치료할까 신문은 온라인 게임을 계속하면 뇌의 구조나 움직임에 약물 의존 때와 같은 변화가 나타나는가 라고 질문을 던진다. 현재 자기공명화상장치(MRI) 등의 검사데이터를 활용해 조사하는
연구가 막 시작됐다. ICD―11에 게임 장애를 포함하도록
제안한 것이 히구치 구리하마의료센터 원장이었다. 구리하마의료센터와 의존증 등의 공동연구를 시작해 국제회의를
거듭하는 동안 데이터가 늘어나 이에 대한 이해도 깊어졌다. 당시에는 “이처럼 큰 문제가 될지는 몰랐다”고
히구치 원장은 반복한다.
스페인 연구팀의 논문데이터 조사에서는 온라인 게임을 포함한 비디오게임에 관한 논문이 1990년대에는
연간 15편 전후였지만 2015년에는 350편을 넘었다. 뇌 신경과의 관계를 논한 논문이 116편으로 대부분 뇌 기능의 변화를 분석하는 내용이다.
뇌 기능은 기능적 MRI(fMRI)로 혈류변화 등을 바탕으로 검사할 수 있다. 충동제어를 담당하는 뇌의 전두전야(前頭前野·전두엽 앞부분)라 불리는 부분의 기능 저하와 게임 장애가
되는 위험 사이의 관련성이 밝혀졌다.
게임장애가 의심될 경우 미국의 정신과 의사가 1990년대 고안한 ‘인터넷의존도테스트’를
실시하는 경우가 많다. 환자가 20개 항목 중 자신에게 부합하는
것에 체크하고 70점 이상이 되면 의존증으로 판단한다. 점수가
낮게 나오는 경향이 있어 결과는 어디까지나 참고치로만 사용할 뿐이다.
치료 시에는 환자를 게임에서 멀리하도록 하고 운동, 식사,
대화, 심리치료 등을 조합해서 진행한다. 구리하마의료센터에는
숙박 캠프도 있다. 초조함으로 격렬한 폭력을 반복하는 환자 등의 경우에는 입원을 권유한다. 무엇보다도 ‘치료의 계속’이 중요하다고 히구치 원장은 말한다.
다른 정신질환이 없는지 확인하는 것도 중요하다. 구리하마의료센터에서 인터넷 의존 중으로
검진을 받은 환자의 20%가 주의력결핍과잉행동장애(ADHD) 증상도
보인다. 게임장애 치료 약은 없지만 ADHD를 약물 치료하는
동안에 이성을 잃는 문제가 감소하는 경우가 있어 주목된다.
◆‘게임病’ 대응에 새로운 전기 되나
ICD는 WHO가 정하는 질병과 증상의 정의와 분류를 말한다. 세계공통의 표기법을 사용해 보다 정확한 통계데이터를 수집할 수 있기 때문에 각국의 상황 파악이나 국제비교에
도움이 된다. ICD―11이 내년 5월 총회에 제출돼 승인되면 운용이 시작된다. 현행 ICD―10은 1990년
정해진 것으로 이번에 개정되면 29년 만이다. 지금까지 의료현장에서
인식돼온 게임장애가 ICD에 정식으로 포함되면 질환의 하나로 진단할 수 있는 근거가 명확해진다. 치료연구에 도움이 될 뿐 아니라 환자로서도 ‘질환으로 인해 학교나 일을 쉬고 치료에 전념하겠다’라고 말하기
쉬운 이점이 생긴다.
게임 장애의 ICD 포함에 대해 우려도 있다. 정신질환
종류가 증가하는 것은 결국 신시장을 찾고 있는 제약기업만 기쁘게 하는 일이라는 비판이 있다. 미국 게임업계
등에서는 규제강화를 경계해 ICD-11의 수정을 요구하고 있다. 미국
엔터테인먼트소프트웨어협회는 “게임 장애를 정의해 진단할 수 있는 객관적 근거가 없다”는 성명을 발표하기도 했다.
Our son who sticks to the game ... Any mental neurosis?
Enter article 2018-11-27 13:33
If my son is too obsessed with online games, I think he should suspect mental nervous system diseases like gambling dependency.
The World Health Organization (WHO) classified the gaming disorder as a mental illness that could not be handed over to other games, such as online games, "said Nihon Keizai of Japan. "Do you have any of these backed up data?"
According to the newspaper, WHO published a new International Classification of Diseases (ICD) -11, released in June, which included gaming disorders alongside gambling disabilities. If so, what are the criteria for a game disability? ① The game does not control the time and frequency of continuing the game ② The game takes precedence over other lifestyle concerns and daily activities ③ Continues the game or gets even worse when problems occur ④ Because of the game, If the problem of serious trouble occurs for more than 12 months, it is considered as a game failure.
◆ "I have no problems"?
According to Dr. Higuchi Susumu, Director of the Kurihama Medical Center, which established the internet dependence treatment research division for the first time in Japan in 2011, It takes priority over attention or routine behavior). Conflicts arise in life as securing time for games becomes a top priority. The second thing is necessary for living, such as eating, sleeping, and excretion. It should be treated as a disease as a dependency, not a mere game enjoyment.
"I do not think it's a problem to play games," said a first-year high school boy who was drawn by his mother's hand and visited the Internet-game-dependent outpatient clinic of the Kobe University Hospital. I worry about my grades, but contends that "not because of the bad game, but because of the way I study." According to Professor Ichiro Sora, a professor of psychiatry in Kobe University who diagnosed a student, he tells his wife that if they talk to each other carefully, "I am uneasy because I can not be promoted like this." I spend about an hour talking and getting a clue of treatment. Similar to drug dependence.
Kobe University Hospital and Kurihama Hospital Center are booked for about two months. The patient is male and junior high. This is just a tip of the iceberg, and many people are not being screened. Professor Sora Kobe believes that the number of patients is likely to be as high as the level of alcohol dependency, which is estimated to be millions of people in Japan.
◆ How to diagnose and treat
The newspaper asks the question as to whether changes in brain structures or movements, such as drug dependence, continue as they play online games. Currently, research using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other test data has just begun. It was Higuchi Kurihama Medical Center Director who suggested that ICD-11 include gaming disorders. We started collaborative researches with Kurihama Medical Center and dependency, and during the international conference, the data became more and more understandable. "I did not know it would be such a big problem," Higuchi repeated.
The Spanish research team 's research on video games, including video games, included about 15 video games per year in the 1990s, but more than 350 in 2015. The study of the relationship between the cranial nerves and the brain 116 is mostly about analyzing changes in brain function.
Brain function is functional MRI (fMRI) and can be checked based on changes in blood flow. It has been shown that there is a relationship between the impaired function of the part of the brain responsible for impulse control (frontal forebrain, frontal part of the frontal lobe) and the risk of becoming a game disorder.
In the case of a suspected gaming disorder, the American psychiatrist often conducts an Internet dependency test, which he devised in the 1990s. If the patient checks out 20 items that match him or herself and reaches 70 or more, he or she will be judged as dependent. The score tends to be low and results are only used as a reference.
At the time of treatment, the patient should be kept away from the game and a combination of exercise, meal, conversation, psychotherapy, etc. Kurihama Medical Center also has accommodation camp. Patients who repeat violent violence with nervousness are encouraged to enter the hospital. Most of all, Higuchi says it is important to continue treatment.
It is also important to make sure that there are no other mental illnesses. Twenty percent of patients who have been screened for Internet dependency at Kurihama Medical Center also have ADHD symptoms. Although there are no gaming treatment drugs, it is noteworthy that the problem of losing reason during drug treatment of ADHD is reduced.
◆ A new posting for 'game disease'
ICD refers to the definition and classification of diseases and symptoms as determined by WHO. By using global notation, it is possible to collect more accurate statistical data, which helps to grasp the situation of each country and compare internationally. ICD-11 will be submitted to the General Assembly next May and approved. The current ICD-10 was set in 1990, and it has been 29 years since it was revised this time. If the ICD is formally included in the game disorder that has been recognized in the medical field so far, the basis for diagnosing it as one of the diseases becomes clear. In addition to being helpful in therapeutic studies, patients also have the advantage of being able to say "I am going to rest my school or work due to illness and devote myself to treatment".
There is also concern about the inclusion of ICD in gaming disabilities. There is criticism that the increasing number of mental illnesses is only to please pharmaceutical companies looking for new markets. The US game industry is demanding the revision of ICD-11 in the face of tightened regulations. The American Entertainment Software Association has also issued a statement that "there is no objective basis for defining and diagnosing gaming disorders."
[머니투데이 김세관 기자] [28일 오후 4시경 발사될 예정···성공하면 한국형발사체 제작 탄력]
한국형발사체 '누리호'의 시험발사체가 27일 전남 고흥 나로우주센터 발사대에 기립돼 장착되고 있다. /사진=뉴스1.국내 자체 기술로 개발되는 한국형발사체(KSLV-2) '누리호'의 1단형 시험발사체가 28일 오후 발사된다.
28일 과학기술정보통신부와 한국항공우주연구원에 따르면, 누리호 시험발사체는 전남 고흥 나로우주센터에서 기립과 점검을 마치고 발사를 기다리고 있다. 발사에 중요한 영향을 미치는 기상상황 등만 맞으면 이날 오후 4시경 발사될 예정이다.
이번 시험발사체 발사는 한국형 발사체인 누리호에 쓰일 75톤(t) 액체엔진의 성능을 시험하기 위해 진행된다. 누리호의 완성체는 총 3단이다. 1단 75톤 엔진 4개, 2단 75톤 엔진 1개, 3단 7톤 엔진 1개로 구성된다. 이 중 2단부 75톤 액체엔진에 해당하는 게 이번 시험발사체다. 총 길이 25.8m, 최대지름 2.6m다.
시험발사체는 우주 궤도에 진입하지 않는 발사체로 고흥 나로우주센터에서 발사 후 약 160여초 뒤 100km 고도를 넘어 300여초 경 최대 고도에 도달하며, 600여초 뒤 제주도와 일본 오키나와 사이 공해상에 낙하할 예정이다.
과기정통부는 이번 시험발사체의 비행거리나 고도 등과 상관없이 연소시간이 140초를 넘기면 정상 추진력을 발휘한 것으로 본다는 입장이다. 기상조건에 따라 비행거리나 고도 등의 수치는 변동성이 크기 때문이다.
이번 시험발사체 발사가 성공하면 한국형발사체 누리호 완성체 제작도 탄력을 받을 것으로 보인다. 우리나라가 자력으로 독자 엔진을 확보했다는 의미도 더해진다.
과기정통부와 항우연은 오는 2021년 2월 누리호 본 발사를 위한 수순을 밟을 예정이다. 그러나 이번 발사가 실패했다고 판단되면 동일한 형태의 시험발사체를 내년 10월 재발사할 것으로 예상된다./사진제공=항우연 Nuri test launch project launch in afternoon ... 140sec successEnter article 2018-11-28 09:00 Last modified 2018-11-28 09:14[Money Today] By Kim Se-kwan [May 28, 2007] The Korean launch vehicle (KSLV-2) 'Nuriho' will be launched in the afternoon on October 28 with a single-stage test vehicle projected with domestic technology. According to the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Information and Communication and Korea Aerospace Research Institute, the launch vehicle for the Nuri test is waiting for the launch after completion of the NIRA Space Center. It will be launched at around 4:00 pm if the weather conditions that have a significant impact on the launch are met. The test launch will be conducted to test the performance of a 75-ton (t) liquid engine for the Korean launch vehicle Nuri. There are three complete stages of the Nuri Lake. It consists of four 75-ton engines, one 75-ton engine, and one 7-ton engine. Of these, the two-end 75-ton liquid engine is the test launch vehicle. The total length is 25.8m and the maximum diameter is 2.6m. The launch vehicle is a launch vehicle that does not enter the space orbit. It will reach a maximum altitude of about 300 seconds after about 160 seconds after launching from the space center in Goheung, and it will drop to the high seas between Jeju Island and Japan Okinawa after 600 seconds. Regardless of the flight distance or altitude of the test projectile, the Ministry of Information and Communication said it would be considered to have achieved its normal propulsion if the burning time exceeded 140 seconds. This is because the volatility of the values such as the flying distance and the altitude are large depending on weather conditions. If the test launch is successful, it seems that the production of the Korean launch vehicle Nuri-finished body will be resilient. It also means that Korea has secured its own engine with its own power. In February 2021, the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) and the Ministry of Unification will take steps to launch the Nuri Lake. However, if it is judged that the launch is unsuccessful, it is expected that the test launch vehicle of the same type will be reissued in October next year.
제주 대학병원의 한 교수가 시도 때도 없이 직원들을 때리고, 또 꼬집는
동영상이 공개됐습니다. 견디다 못한 직원들이 여럿 그만뒀다면서 해당 교수를 파면하라는 직원들의 요구가
잇따르고 있습니다. JIBS 박재현 기자가 보도합니다. <기자>교수가
직원 발등을 강하게 밟고 직원 발등 위에서 뜁니다. 환자를 옮기는 직원의 옆구리를 꼬집기도 합니다. [제주대병원 H 교수 : 때리는
거 찍었어?] 병원 직원들이 환자 재활 상태를 확인하기 위해 촬영을 하던 중 제주대 병원 교수의 폭행
장면이 찍힌 겁니다. 직원들은 H 교수가 평소 더한 폭행을
해왔다고 주장합니다. [피해 직원 : 카메라 있는 걸 알면서도
그러면 아닌 데서는 얼마나 폭행과 폭언을 당했겠습니까.] 제주대병원은 지난달 특별인사위원회를 열어 해당
교수의 보직을 해제하고 제주대에 징계를 요청했습니다. 해당 교수는 직원들의 주장이 과장된 면이 있다면서
병원 조사가 마무리되면 자신의 입장을 밝히겠다고 전했습니다. 병원 노동조합 측은 지난 6년간 H 교수 밑에서 근무하던 레지던트 의사 4명이 사직서를 내고 물리치료사와 작업 치료사 등도 일을 그만뒀다며 갑질 의혹이 일고 있는 교수를 파면하라고
요구하고 있습니다.
출처 : SBS 뉴스 원본 링크 :
Read the newspaper article and comment on your thoughts.
The staff stepped on and "Did you shoot ..." ... Professor of Jeju University Hospital
Enter Article 2018-11-28 07:44 Last Modified 2018-11-28 08:51
A professor at the Jeju University Hospital hit the staff without a trial, and a video was tweaked. He says he has quit many of his employees who can not stand him. JIBS Park Jae-hyun reports. <Reporter> The professor pushes firmly at the foot of the staff and runs on the staff foot. We also pinch the side of the employee who carries the patient. [Professor at Jeju University Hospital H: Did you shoot it?] The hospital staff was shooting to check the patient's rehabilitation status. The staff insisted that Professor H had done more usual assault. [Damaged staff: How many assaults and rantings would have been done without knowing that there was a camera?] Jeju University Hospital opened a special personnel committee last month to lift the position of the professor and request disciplinary action at Jeju University. The professor said that the employees' claims were exaggerated, and said they would reveal their positions when the hospital investigation was completed. Hospitals and labor unions have demanded that four residents who worked under Professor H for six years have resigned and resigned from physical therapists and occupational therapists.
Source: SBS News
Original link:
A Positive Comment Campaign in class.
In middle schools in Korea, grades required for high school are finalized before December.
After that, the teacher can do various activities for the students in class.
I would like to have students read and write articles on Internet newspapers.
Provide and participate in articles that may be of interest to students.
Nowadays, students lack the ability to read and understand the meaning.
So, students will practice to read a lot of texts.
And students should write positive comments directly on the article.
Many people hurt others with negative comments. I will give a lot of habits to write positive comments to students.
I introduced one site to students before I started the class in earnest.
Site address:
I will introduce Sunfull (positive comment in Korean).
Positive comment campaign
Sunfull Exercise is a global online positive comment campaign that provides encouragement and hope for people with malicious comments posted on websites and social media. We strive to raise public awareness of the damage and suffering that can cause unjustified, malicious comments to victims. We are turning the Internet into a friendly, more civilized public domain.
The Sunfull movement urges the public to respect their lives and the values of others in order to raise public awareness. It strives to change the behavior and mindset of the netizens by encouraging them to post positive and cheerful comments on the Internet website.
Global Internet Peace Movement
Since 2007, Sunfull has worked with hundreds of thousands of people to deliver millions of messages to people who are suffering from cyberbullying, natural disasters, and terrible global affairs, to express their condolences.
The Sunfull Movement, the Global Internet Peace Movement, spreads messages of tide and encouragement in response to global disasters and crises. Past special commentary campaigns have been held on charges of shooting for US Sandy Hook, Sichuan Province, China Earthquake, Paris, France Terrorism, Kumamoto, Japan Earthquake, Australian Wildfire and Maria, Irma, Harvey America Hurricane.
Join Sunfull Exercise
Currently, more than 7,000 schools and organizations are participating in the Sunfull exercise and have more subscriptions each month.
Sunfull Exercise is looking for people from other countries who can introduce Sunfull to schools and communities. The Sunfull approach will help students and communities around the world understand the impact of posting negative feedback to others, and Sunfull's positive feedback will provide hope and encouragement to those who are attacked via the Internet.
Sunfull's vision will contribute greatly to the peace of the world by overcoming barriers to our hearts against others if everyone around the world publishes positive comments and uses the right language.
1. Social Background
end. What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
1) The Fourth Industrial Revolution is aimed at a world of intelligent customization through connection, decentralization / decentralization, sharing / opening.
2) mobilize various technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and block chain to build intelligent world
3) In order to make the intelligence of the customized era, we connect all the contents of the real world to the virtual world, and predict and fit it in the virtual world through big data / artificial intelligence analysis and apply it to the real world
I. Explanation of terms related to the 4th Industrial Revolution
1) AI (Artificial Intelligence): The intelligence created from the machine. It refers to the intelligence created by the system, or artificial intelligence, with ideal intelligence in computer engineering. Example: Google's Alpha, Amazon's Alexa
2) Internet (IOT): A technology that connects sensors and communication functions to objects by connecting them to the Internet. That is, it means a technology for connecting various objects through wireless communication. The artificial intelligence technology that allows users to exchange information with the user through internet,
3) Cloud service: I store my information in a storage space somewhere on the Internet, and it is a technology that can be called up through various terminals I have when I need it. Among the various cloud computing technologies, services that have been very popular recently. The number of devices that can access the Internet, such as smartphones, tablet computers, and IPTV, has increased significantly, and the number of people with multiple handsets has also increased dramatically. I often see 'where was the last photo I took' There was a situation where you could not know where your content was. After all, as a result of the euphoria, I want to have a store where I can see the equipment I have! It was made for the purpose of.
4) Big Data: A technology that extracts values from data, including unstructured data sets that are not large quantities or even database types, beyond the capabilities of existing database management tools and analyze the results. The development of Big Data Technology, which is characterized by the generation, collection, analysis and expression of various kinds of large-scale data, makes it possible to more accurately predict and effectively operate a diversified modern society, to provide customized information for individualized modern society members, Management, and analysis, and realizes technologies that were not possible in the past. Thus, Big Data presents the possibility of providing valuable information to society and mankind in all areas including politics, society, economy, culture, and science and technology, and its importance is highlighted
5) VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Virtual Reality): Virtual reality refers to a specific environment or situation, or technology itself, that is similar to the reality created by artificial technology using computers, but not actual. Augmented reality is a field of virtual reality. It is a computer graphics technique that combines virtual objects or information into a real environment and makes it look like objects in the original environment. Frequent use in digital media
2. Student characteristics change
end. Z-generation: means the next generation of the Millennium generation in the United States. Although there is no standard for accurate generation, demographers generally classify generations born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s to the late 2000s and early 2010 as the Z-generation.
1) Characteristics of the Z-generation
- Process information faster than other generations.
- They are constantly changing, hating textbooks and living in a constantly updated information world.
- Quickly and efficiently switch between tasks and games. You can distribute them in multiple notes in the background and perform multiple tasks at the same time.
- They want a more independent work environment and 72% say they want to start their own business someday.
She is fluent on five screens (TV, phone, laptop computer, tablet and desktop computer).
- I want short, image-filled "snackable" content. They do not like long descriptions.
2) Video education through smart devices is helpful for Z-generation.
- Simple video for short focus
The average instant concentration of Z generation students is about 8 seconds. The vast amount of information expressed in long sentences is obsolete. The video is a high-level summary of the information and is explained in a simple, video-based way. This information, in turn, encourages high participation by students.
- Mobility and Accessibility
Thanks to multiple smart devices, students can access visual information anytime, anywhere. This allows students to get information whenever they want. Because of their accessibility, these videos can be played repeatedly, regardless of location and time. Creators can display the information they want on the video screen and can be played anywhere in the world. This can help students to learn self-directed everywhere.
- Visual learning
Adobe (Programmers) announced that more than 50% of students and teachers view "what they see" as the most effective learning experience. Students will be able to get videos and various types of information related to them through search.
- Simple message
Students need a small piece of information that they can understand to process information faster and remember it. Videos that exist on the Internet adhere to app concepts that use images, keywords, attractive design layouts, user-friendly interfaces, and simple sentence structures.
- Easy to update various information and contents
Internet videos are not bound to topics. The possibilities are endless! Teachers do not have time to use the entire textbook, but they can create or search for appropriate descriptive videos, which can help students to understand content more deeply, significantly reducing their work time. And since most video content is not only recent, but also accessible 24x7, it's easier to fix and update information compared to textbook updates.
You must evaluate and record students during the class.
Using a paper checklist is a good idea, but it is inconvenient.
Now, use smart devices to easily evaluate your students at any time.
Express students with cute characters and show them directly to students through big screen.
It can also be used to randomly select students to present.
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Video Games Are a Waste of Time? Not for Those With E-sports Scholarships
Members of the Bay Shore High School e-sports team look on as Matthew Ruiz competes at the Microsoft store at the Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island. Watching, from left, Dimetrius Bostick, Skylar Lampel, Connor DeGraff, Aidan Zicolella and Dominick Bostick.CreditBeth Perkins for The New York Times
Members of the Bay Shore High School e-sports team look on as Matthew Ruiz competes at the Microsoft store at the Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island. Watching, from left, Dimetrius Bostick, Skylar Lampel, Connor DeGraff, Aidan Zicolella and Dominick Bostick.CreditCreditBeth Perkins for The New York Times Behind a glass partition at the Microsoft store at the Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island, 10 teenage boys settled into seats in a rectangular formation. Each sat behind a laptop computer, ears warmed by a bulky headset. Parents and grandparents circled the room, peering over shoulders at screens. One mother used her iPhone to live-stream to social media. The room had the feel of a sporting event, and it was — a group of competitive video gamers on the Bay Shore High School e-sports team were competing in a scrimmage and playing their way toward college scholarships. Dimetrius at the keyboard as his mother, Anne Bostick, captures the action and his coach, Chris Champlin, watches. CreditBeth Perkins for The New York Times Dimetrius at the keyboard as his mother, Anne Bostick, captures the action and his coach, Chris Champlin, watches. CreditBeth Perkins for The New York Times Multiplayer video games played competitively, often with spectators, are known as e-sports, and they have became a gateway to college scholarship money. Over the past two years, the National Association of Collegiate Esports, which is engaged with 98 varsity programs across the United States and Canada, has helped to facilitate $16 million in scholarships, according to the executive director, Michael Brooks.
A while ago WhatsApp had a conversation about stickers with Apple.
But the results are not good.
WhatsApp has announced that they will not use the samples they provide when posting stickers in the Apple App Store.
Developers must develop their own unique interfaces.
Is it possible to develop a new interface each time I create a new character sticker?
Xcode provides a sticky app sample for iMessage.
And the sticker app that uses it is not rejected.
They need to improve on this problem.
Here's what WhatsApp has to say.
iOS Stickers Apps for WhatsApp
If you would like to design your own stickers for WhatsApp, you can package them in an iOS app. You will need to distribute your app via the App Store. Users who download and install your sticker app will be able to add your stickers to their WhatsApp sticker picker/tray, and start sending those stickers from within WhatsApp. A separate app is necessary and it will reside on your phone's home screen just like any other app. Once you add the stickers from the app to WhatsApp, you can remove or uninstall the app from your phone and continue to send those stickers. Stickers on WhatsApp must be legal, authorized, and acceptable. Learn more about acceptable use of our services at
The sample code provides a simple way for you to drop in your sticker art and build an iOS app with minimal development or coding experience needed. Importantly, while you may use most of the underlying code in our sample app, you must make sure to develop a unique user interface with your own styling to comply with Apple's App Store guidelines. Do not use our sample app's UI as is. You must significantly modify the UI before submitting your app to Apple. For advanced developers looking to make richer sticker apps, refer to the section Advanced Development below.
We recommend you create a version of your sticker app for Android as well to give users of WhatsApp on Android an opportunity to download your sticker app as well.
The class responds with blank stares, the kind that could last the entire period if I let it kill my excitement. I can already see the class clowns waiting for the right moment to pounce on me. But watch this: “A budget is a tool you can use so you can do whatever you want with your money–and hopefully have more.”
The Story of Jason
More money? Now I have their attention. Even the skeptics are quiet. I have about five seconds before they challenge me. “Let’s jump right into it,” I continue, “On the smart board, we’ve got two columns: income and expenses. In this example, we’re going to look at creating monthly expenses for an imaginary student named Jason who just graduated from high school. How much do you think he spends on rent? Call it out.”
All sorts of ideas come flying out, from $100 to $3,000 to someone who insists that “Jason lives at home, yo he don’t pay rent.” We all have a laugh. Everyone’s budget is going to look different, I explain. We plug $100 into the budget for now, and I ask them what about groceries? We’ll multiply a weekly estimate by four. Everyone calls out their best guesses. They argue over how much is too much or too little, and everyone falls skeptically silent when I say I normally only allow myself $40 per week for groceries and sometimes just $20. In New York City? Yes, anywhere.
Applying Storytelling to Real-World Application
“It’s all about choices. Some people chose to spend more on groceries, less on rent. It’s all about making the numbers work for you. We’ll talk more about that later. How much for clothes? Travel? Going out and having fun? There are no right or wrong answers.”
We fill out the other category expenses for a total of $1,000 a month, then compare that to Jason’s part-time income working at McDonald’s: $300. A third cell calculates the difference of the income and expenses: every month, Jason is in the red by $700.
Now it’s time to raise the stakes: “Let’s say Jason wants to go on a date with his significant other; that will cost $120. Does he have money?”
“No!” says the class, laughing. We reduce the grocery budget by half. Instantly, we see how much closer Jason is to reaching his goal. Now he’s only in the red by $600. Once we get Jason into the black by reducing his expenses (and/or getting a better job), we can see how long it will take him to reach his goal in another cell which divides the goal by the difference. If Jason makes a $30 profit every month, it will take him four months to reach his goal. Does he want to wait that long? His date is tomorrow. What else can we do?
Advantages of Interactive Storytelling
Everyone’s excited to share ideas and laugh at Jason. Since he’s imaginary, nobody gets embarrassed. But since his story is so relatable, they get emotionally invested in helping Jason go on this date. They always root for their peers who volunteer to create a budget and have real goals like going to college, becoming a doctor, bringing family member over from Pakistan, starting a business, or maybe just buying the latest iPhone.
Well, how soon do you want the iPhone? How much are you willing to sacrifice for it? How hard do you want to work for it? I offer suggestions, but they can see for themselves what happens when we plug in the numbers together. It’s my favorite game show and interactive story ever told on a smart board–or whiteboard if we’re doing the calculations by hand. You can access the spreadsheet I used and make a copy for your own lesson here.
This presentation has worked in dozens of inner-city schools in New York City and New Jersey. Over a thousand students have participated in planning imaginary Jason’s future. Hopefully, a significant number of them will use these budgeting skills to plan their own.
I think what made this lesson successful, compared to the times I tried lecturing about my experiences and strategies, was that I give them control of Jason’s story, to precede the control they will have over their own stories. I am the facilitator of this activity, and they are the instructors. It’s a space where they can play and decide for themselves if imaginary Jason was wise to spend $600 on clothes every month and wait five years before he can afford the new iPhone.
Applying Interactive Storytelling Across the Curriculum
Interactive storytelling can apply to any subject!
Imagine a choose-your-own-adventure activity for history class to see how hard it was for Lincoln to keep the country together.
In physics class, we could be measuring tennis ball bounces to design an imaginary lunar landing craft.
In English class, we can write essays to convict or defend Poe’s narrators.
Everything we teach in the classroom can apply to real life, but sometimes it takes a little bit of imagination to get students to think in the moment to the point that they’re so invested they stop asking why we’re learning it.
This is a guest blog by Jason Hewett. Jason is a writer, presenter, and actor based in New York City. He’s been working with kids for more than a decade as a teaching artist and volunteer at Camp Possibilities, a summer camp for diabetic children. Feel free to say hello or see what he’s up to by visiting
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